Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Slight Hitch in the Plan (and my chest)

When I wrote "How do You Define "Quality of Life?"" I had no idea that I was coming down with the flu, which has now struck all three of us. Due to this unfortunate eventuality I won't be able to write much in the way of a post for this evening as I had promised.

I don't want to leave you with nothing though so I give you this quote I found in "Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors." The book is an incredibly well-written account of one of the finest moments in the history of the United States Navy and is a must read for anyone interested in the study of heroism and bravery.

When Great men blunder, they count their losses in pride and reputation and glory. The underlings count their losses in blood.

Theodore C. Mason, Battleship Sailor (1982) as quoted in Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors by James D. Hornfischer (2004). p.358

1 comment:

Elizabeth Vongvisith said...

...I had no idea that I was coming down with the flu, which has now struck all three of us.

Argh. Get well soon, all of you! Or...or else!